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More Fashion in the Nevada Desert

By Fashion/Glamour, Nevada, Photography, Photoshop, Reno

Well, post-production is finally complete. A lot went into these images as far as colour correction and dodging/burning/HDR techniques. I had a very specific idea of how the final images would contrast the colour of the garments with that of the desert landscape, and the end result is quite close to what I envisioned. These are the group photos…individual model shots to follow. More images after the jump.

SOL – Miller’s Chop Shop photos

By Art, Fashion/Glamour, Photography, Reno

There’s a good deal more to post from this project as I finish them up. My friend Fluffy put all this together with an eye towards making a calendar. We might not get a calendar made this year, but we got some nice pin-up shots and will be making posters for sale. Next year, we’ll try for a full calendar.

Miller’s is an amazing hot rod shop in the North Valleys. They make custom rat rods that are truly beautiful. I’m hoping to do more work with them in the future.

Fashion Photography

By Art, Fashion/Glamour, Photography, Reno

Erica Tavormina, the talented fashion designer responsible for the Fort Churchill project from a few posts ago, keeps coming up with great material to photograph. We took this photo at about 5 AM in order to have the location to ourselves (it’s a public spot right near Virginia Street in Reno). Lit with the same portable strobes that I used at Churchill.

Tavormina Track Suit